Saturday, April 12, 2014

My Favorite Crêperie

Hey, everybody!

There are few things that I love to do more than eating, so this blog post is dedicated to the best (and pretty much only) place to eat out in the town of Savenay: my crêperie, O Crêp'uscule.

The food is wonderful, and the service is even better.  Though we only went there six or seven times over our six months there, the server knew us about half way through the year.  By the end, we were telling him about our plans for next year, why we were here, discussing language differences, and laughing at the fact that he still spoke in hyper speed.

Open every day except Tuesday (I think), this little restaurant seats no more than 40, so you always feel like you're sitting in someone's really nice dining room.  I just can't say enough about how much I'll miss this crêperie.

He's the man.
Note about the picture: I would have cropped it so that you could see everyone's faces better, but I love that you can see the restaurant a little this way.  Just behind that counter is the little kitchen where they cook all the crêpes.  If I'm not mistaken, they only cooking surfaces for three crêpes or galettes at a time.  It's the best!!

Much love to all,

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