Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Weekend in Rennes

Yo, gangstas! Wasssuppp?!?!

Enough of that, I know.

Anyway, last weekend I went to Rennes, the capital of Bretagne (or Brittany) with my friend Allison!

She's beautiful.
We were only in Rennes for about 26 hours, but man, did I have a good time! While we were there, we wandered the town, acting like the huge tourists we are...

We rented an apartment through airbnb, and took waaaay too many pictures with the cat that lives there.
Friendly guy.
Tried our hand at the infamous Rennes night scene, which was everything we had hoped it to be and more.  Showing Frenchies how to dance in an old, underground jail? Check.

And then I woke my butt up the next morning, realized I would be about 15 minutes late for the mass I had planned on going to, stopped at this church instead, met a really nice French woman who's been teaching English for years and has actually worked with many English assistants, met her American friends who are teaching in Rennes during this year and the next, was asked to read the Prayers of the Faitful at mass, said I'd love to as long as they didn't mind my American accent, read the intentions (in my American accent), and had a nice talk about ways to live abroad with the American couple I met.  This was easily a highlight of the year for me.

So though we weren't there long, I will forever hold my memories of Rennes near to my heart. Wonderful trip with a great friend. 

Phew. I think I'm almost caught up on blog posts now.


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