Friday, January 10, 2014

Who Died and Made You King of the Cake?

So there's this thing in France called "galette des rois" or "king cake".  If you're from the south, you may already be familiar with this delicious tradition.

It's really quite simple to feel French, and take part in this goodness.  First, buy a galette des rois.  They'll have a very nice selection at your local boulangerie, but you can buy a decent, and probably cheaper one at a grocery store.  I went with the bakery-bought option because I had company.

Of course, all of these cakes come with a crown.  You are most certainly supposed to try it on, and even take a few pictures beforehand, just to get everyone in the mood.  If you're one of my students, you may even want to wear your crown around school, just to let everyone know you're in the celebratory mood.

But why keep the crown just to yourself?  The cake may want to wear it as well!

Then you need to cut the cake, but be aware that there's a little surprise hidden inside!  Whoever chooses it is the king!

And guess what?! I was the winner of this cake!! YAHOO!!!! I won myself a little pet Zazu to live on my shoulder!

And you know what the best part is?  YOU CAN REPEAT THIS WHOLE PROCESS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! Well, until around Mardi Gras time, when they disappear. So, eat up, kids! And get your king cake on!


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