I write this blog on my second full day in France, and I sit here, I keep telling myself "you don't get homesick, you don't get homesick, you don't get homesick" all the while a small piece of me hopes that maybe if I click my heels together each time, I'll wake up tomorrow in Indianapolis.
Am I homesick? Getting there. Am I bored? A little. Am I slightly disappointed that there's literally nothing to do in this town on the weekends? Definitely.
But here's the thing... today at mass I as reminded just how lucky I am. I've thought to myself "maybe this is what it takes for me to feel settled the rest of my life." I've been explaining to every person who I told about this year that "this is my chance to be selfish and worry about myself!" or "why not go to France? I'm 22, single, and unemployed!" I know that this year will be full of great things for me, but I think I need a bit of a mindset change.
Like I said, being alone and having an hour to think about life this morning, I realized that this isn't just a year for me, but a whole year to meet new people, and bring a little more happy into their lives. This isn't all about me. This is about everyone I interact with, and the knowledge I can learn from them. This is a year to see the world so my future students have a more knowledgeable teacher, have a leader that can literally share the world with them. Shame on me for making it all about me. And I have absolutely no doubt that I'll forget this mindset a million times while I'm here. Seriously, I have the memory of a goldfish. But it's here. I've made a public announcement that for at least 30 minutes I had my head on straight. And you're my witness. So, thanks!
Until the next revelation about life or a great cheese,
Good outlook, any rivers or mountains nearby?