Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Here Goes Everything

And so here it is, kids.  The year that I grow up and enter the big kid world.  And what better place to do this than in a country with great food, wine, and, my personal favorite, cheese!


                                                              My ready-for-fromage face

Now you all know that great things often require an equally great amount of work and preparation. I've spent the last couple months emailing French teachers, applying for visas, and delivering Bonnie's famous chocolate-chip muffins to Department of Health workers who took pity on a young traveller with birth certificate confusion.  Really, it's been great.  

So that puts me here, in the JFK International Airport. (A day later than I and everyone I had incorrectly passed on my self-decided departure date had planned on.  But I digress...) I'm sitting here, running my checklist again in my head (boarding pass, passport, pictures of family, hungry tummy? Check!) and still wondering what I've gotten myself into.  I'm about to fling myself into a year of running around French classrooms, traveling Europe, pretending to understand Celsius, and "discovering myself," whatever that means...  

This is a year to be and do me.  Here goes everything!  And you're lucky enough to follow this crazy train of giggles as I live through this year.  So thanks for reading, hug your loved ones, and drink a glass of wine for me.



  1. Good luck, Angie!! I'll be praying for you, and enjoying your updates. Much love!!

  2. Celsius makes way more sense than farhenheit anyway! Bon courage ma coloc!
