Monday, March 31, 2014

The American: Sandwich Edition

- Find crusty baguette
- Cut open
- Insert 2 hamburger patties
- Cover in fries
- Add toppings to taste

I distinctly remember the first time I had one of these bad boys the first time I was in France.  My sister told them we had to try them, and man was she right.  They are good!!

I can honestly say I've had them less than 5 times, because they're a little hard to find and I don't eat out much, but they are so good!  And what's more, they're just hilarious to eat because it's called "The American"...because this is all we eat in the old USofA: burgers and fries.

Good times, good times.

Èze On Down the Road

We knew before we ever got to Nice that we wanted to do a day in Monaco because it is just too cool to pass up.  However, what we didn't know is how many cool cities are along the way.  Like you've read, we stopped in Villefranche one day, and decided to stop in the village of Èze (pronounced like fez, minus the 'f') the following day.  It was a great little stop that can be done in about two hours or less.  Boo ya!

The whole village is made of stone!

Apparently the golden goat is a thing...
Buddies in Èze!
After exploring the village of Èze, we went to this perfume factory where we took a tour of the building, and were dumped into the gift shop.  Let's just say there was some damage done.

The craziest thing about this factory is that you could smell it all the way from where we were standing taking the picture below, if not before that!

Our spoils!
It was a great, girly stop on our way to Monaco!!


Villefranche: Don't Take the Bus

During our trip to Nantes, we stayed at a really great hostel that I highly recommend to anyone visiting the city!  We arrived at late to the hostel, and after a quick check in crashed in comfy bunks.  The next morning, while we were eating breakfast, one of the staff members gave us a 30-minute run-down on all the cool things we could do in Nice, and in all the surrounding cities.  Awesome!  So feeling ready to conquer the world, we invited my roommate and her boyfriend (who also booked a trip to Nice without knowing I was going!) to take a little trip to a city called Villefranche that sits on the Mediterranean and has a great peninsula you can hike out.  Sounds perfect, right?

The picturesque little city of Villefranche.

I mean, how gorgeous is that?!

Want to know how I have such great pictures of this little town?  Well, let me tell you.  THE BUS.  I am officially stating how much I dislike buses as a form of public transportation.  They are the trickiest little guys; a game of guess-how-well-you-know-this-town-you've-never-been-to.  Trams? Wonderful, clean, structured.  Trains?  Big trams.  My feet?  It's my own fault if I get lost.  But buses, ohhh buses.  I swear they were created just to confuse the heck out of me.

But I digress... the four of us got off at the completely wrong stop, tried to find another bus, didn't wave it down, watched it drive away feeling like like fools, and then walked the coast in search of food and drink.

The bus ain't comin, kids.

Moral of the story: we eventually found a restaurant that served sub-par tapas and over-priced sangria, but sat on the Mediterranean, so I guess I can forgive them.

Let's be real, I loved every minute of the day.  It's days like that one that make me love traveling.  You never know what's going to happen, I usually get lost, and then find something that's way cooler than I could have planned for myself, so no complaints from me.

Love from France!

Oh, and PS, we took the train home.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

It Is Better to Have Loved and Lost than to Sit in the Corner by Yourself

Tonight is my last night with my roommate, Natalie, and dang it, I'm feeling nostalgic.
Disclaimer: If you don't want to read mushiness, DON'T READ ON!!
One of our very first selfies together.

Let me tell you something, kids. This woman has absolutely been one of the best parts of this year for me. Every time someone asks me how I like my city I respond, "Ya, it's a little small, but my roommate is really cool!"  Seriously, she is awesome.

So, Natalie, here are just a few reasons of why you are one of my favorite people:

- When I met you, you were eating a tomato like an apple.
- You realized that I sing to myself when I'm happy.
- You now hum to yourself when you're content.
- You are the best date I could ever ask for. Let's go back to the crêperie soon, ok? 
- You not only tolerate my terrible German, you encourage it.
- You drive me to Hyper U when I am too lazy to walk.
- You make me walk to Hyper U when I'm too lazy but need to exercise.
- You shook ton booty with me. Zumba love.
- You have made me look like the biggest underachiever of all time this year. That is seriously impressive.
- You made me the most delicious lasagna for my birthday.
- You are always up for little trips together, whether it be to the supermarket or to another town.
- You are an incredibly kind human being.
- You let me harass you when you're talking to your boyfriend.
- You bring me delicious Christmas presents.

Thanks for being an amazing roommate who turned into a dear friend.  I know that this is only the beginning of our friendship, but it sucks that it's the end of us living together.  Please know that I have loved every minute together, and I want everyone to know it!

Much love,

Central Park of Nice

Look to your left, there's the city of Nice. Look to your right, and there's the beach.  And straight ahead, there's the Château de Nice.  This is a great addition to the city that's just been finished in the last few months.

Take me back!


Here's a Cute Picture of Me & My Little German

I want to hug whoever decided to put us in the same school.  Natalie has been the best German roommate I could have ever asked for.

Pic stolen from Natalie.
Why does she have to leave me on Saturday?!?! WAHH!!


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Views of Nice

When you go to Nice, make sure you climb up the Château de Nice.  Because #France, there is no longer a castle there, but there are some fabulous views of the city and its harbor.

What a beautiful city.


Nice Has a Gorgeous Open-Air Market

And I'm here to bring you pictures!
Disclaimer: I stole quite a few of these from Bailey.

Hey!! I know them!

Le roi du marché

He's still hiding at the end there...

Talk about beautiful window shopping...


Our Tiny Parisian Apartment

Bailey and I found an apartment through airbnb that was in the heart of Paris. What luck! It was about a 15-minute walk to Notre Dame, and around the corner from a couple really bustling streets.  Everything about it was perfect.... except for the size...and climbing up 6 flights of stairs....

Here's what I mean:

Tiny shower.  Notice that it's next to the door.

Ooh! There's the toilet!

Tiniest sink! 
Figuring out how to flush that guy was entertaining.
This one merits a real introduction.  Notice the size of that little box above the toaster over.  That, friends, is the water heater, and when you're out, you are out! That made for some interesting showers in our tiny and not-at-all-private shower.
Water heater.
Top: Bailey's bed. Bottom: Mine. Felt like we were back in college.

For size comparison.
We definitely felt like real Parisians in that little guy! Ahh, good times, good times. No one can tell us we didn't make memories there!


The Eiffel Tower at Sunset

I just really love this picture and wanted to share it with you.

My Favorite View of Paris

The Montmartre district of Paris is all kinds of entertaining.  It has the Moulin Rouge, streets full of sex shops, pub crawls in the evening, beautiful graffiti, squares full of artists, creepy men selling trains and mini Eiffel Towers, crappy souvenirs, and second-hand clothing sold in bulk.  How could you not love that?!  What's more, it's also the home to Sacré Cœur, a basilica atop the Montmartre hill.

Old pic. See if you can discover why.
Sure, the basilica is nice, but there's something magical about the view when you reach the basilica, and then turn around and look out at the city of lights. It's usually full of performers and tired travelers, all sitting and enjoying the view together.  You may even be harassed to buy a warm beer while you're sitting there. Don't accept, but enjoy that you have the option.

Can you see the human monkey in the background?
I love Paris and her dirty streets full of moderately-talented performers preaching love.  I know that this stop will always be a super-touristy one, but it's still one of my favorites.

Much love,

I am the Master of Touristy Pics in Paris

To prove my point, I offer you this:

Look at that tacky tourist precision!
All I'm saying is if you're going to Paris, you should probably just go ahead and buy an extra ticket for me.  I promise to make you look at touristy as possible all over the city.


P.S. I made Bailey take this.  She would want you all to know that.

Got that Love Locked Down

There's a recent trend to put a lock on specific bridges in Paris as a symbol of your everlasting looooove. *Cue all of my nephews making barf noises.*

So Bailey and I thought, "Hey! We like each other. Let's do this!"  Actually, Bailey, being infinitely more cute than me, told me she wanted to and brought the locks over.

So we spent an evening etching them with a sketchy box cutter, and then coloring them with Sharpies. 

How precious are we?
Every time we walked past this bridge, there were more people locking their love, and then throwing the keys into the river to make that stuff legit.  Too legit to quit.

I guess that's it, Bailey, you're stuck with me forever!!
Can't wait to lock my love with all of you.

Beach Day!!

As I mentioned, one of my best friends and college roomies, Bailey, hopped the pond and came to spend two weeks with me in France.  We took an amazing trip that I will tell you all about soon! But first, we took a little trip to La Baule, a beautiful bowl-shaped beach that's about 30 minutes to the west of me.

Thanks for the pic, Bailey!
Selfies: Proof that we were all together.

Great day, great people.  What else can you ask for in life?


When I See an Elephant Fly

Ya, ya, you're right, there are no flying elephants in Nantes, but there is one really cool mechanical elephant.  It hails from Les Machines de l’île, or Machines of the Island.  One of the coolest things about this elephant is that you can take a ride on it as it walks around the island.  Sounds cool, huh?

Hey there, big guy.
The hilarious truth of watching this giant machine transport passengers is that it moves at a pace that makes a battery-powered wheelchair look speedy.  Yes, it's cool to see. Yes, it would be so fun to take kids on there.  BUT, watching people wait on board for 30 minutes while they loaded everyone just to slowly saunter around this little island made me feel confident that I was enjoying the experience much more just watching it unfold.

That being said, if you go to Nantes, you have to go to see the re-purposed shipyards that this elephant calls home.  He's surrounded by really cool machines that are inspired by the imaginary worlds of Jules Verne and the mechanical genius of Leonardo da Vinci.  How cool is that??

Much love to all!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Deuces, 22!

I have 6 minutes left until I turn 23, and I thought to myself "Self, let's think about what we've accomplished this year!"  It's been a pretty big year, and here, in no particular order, are 22 highlights from my 22nd year of life:

  1. Graduating from Saint Mary's College with a degree in Music Education and a minor in French.  Once a Belle, always a Belle.
  2. Travelling to Strasbourg, the land of my forefathers, with my younger sister.
  3. Re-discovering my favorite cheese in France, chaource.
  4. Meeting my German roommate, Natalie, who I can confidently say will remain a lifelong friend.
  5. Landing my first job.
  6. Moving to France.
  7. Paying rent for the first time.
  8. Finding my favorite French grocery store.
  9. Living in Florida for a summer, and working with a musician that embodies everything I want to be as a music educator/minister/mentor for others.  
  10. Spending two weeks traveling France with my college roommate, Bailey.
  11. Having another college roommate, Ali, and our friend, Mike, stay in my apartment and eat more food and drink more wine than I thought humanly possible.
  12. Creating the hashtag #DailyChin that is surely going to be the hottest trend on the block.
  13. Becoming an aunt and godmother...again!! 
  14. Being trusted by some of my best friends to serve them as the director of Bellacappella.
  15. Putting on a pretty kick-booty concert, and then walking away from Bella and seeing new leadership keep up the tradition of excellence.
  16. Discovering just how delicious a meal of galettes and crêpes can truly be.
  17. Packing 7 months worth of life into one checked bag.
  18. Landing my second job.
  19. Just being a part of my family's lives, in whatever form that may take!
  20. Seeing the TARDIS in London.
  21. Having a baguette duel under the Eiffel Tower with my sister, Juliana.
  22. Realizing that no matter where you are in the world, you can be you and spread goodness and smiles.
Much love to all, and happy birthday to me!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Traveling with Bailey

Hey, everyone! One of my college roommates, Bailey, was great enough to take off work and come over and visit me for two weeks. We spent 5 days in Paris and we just finished our second day in Nice. The trip has been amazing, and I can't wait to tell you all about it! While you're waiting, here's a picture to keep you salivating...

Love from France,

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rookie Mistake

Today, I made the mistake of going to the supermarket without buying a baguette. I realized this huge error as I was checking out.  It was too late, there was nothing to be done.  And so I took my bags, and I walked.  I walked a 15-minute walk of shame back to my apartment, considering the effects of my actions, and debating whether or not I could make it through a day without this dear loaf of goodness.

The answer, kids, is no. There were just too many cheeses that needed spreading, too many scoops of Nutella that needed a vehicle to find their way into my mouth.  And so this happened:

They even included a little paper to give it a hug!
One special bakery trip later, I was fully equipped with my weapon of choice, and fully prepared to enter the only war I ever condone: my personal battle against the delicious foods of France.  Somehow, they keep multiplying, and I must eat more and more! It's a vicious battle, but someone has to be on the front lines.

Love and bread everyone,

Guys, I Met Someone.

Because he's a gentleman, he prefers to go by Monsieur Fromage.  Y'know, gotta keep it classy.

Much love, Angie et M. Fromage